Blackout Poetry is so cool. I tried it yesterday after coming across Chiara’s blog post about how to do blackout poetry. And I came up with four blackout writings. I don’t know if I did well, but hey I have just started and there’s a long way to go with this interesting activity!


My first blackout writing!

Blackout Poetryis a form of ‘appropriation art’ which means that you take something that already exists and either put it in different context or manipulate it in someway that
makes the viewer think of it in as brand new. You are taking witting that you haven’t written and changing it in order to make something new and unique out of it. You take a page from a piece of writing and you blackout most of the words leaving only a few: creating a wonderful poem!

Blackout poetry is also used as a creative exercise, when you find yourself with some writers block this is a great exercise to get your creative juices flowing. I find it extremely beautiful as you can take an already written piece with an already definite message and you can flip it up side down making something just as powerful.

Everything you will need:

  • Some…

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